Notion LifeOS Dashboard

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The universe tends to be confusing and entropic, and consequently our lives tend to be.

We often have a confused projection of ourselves into the future, and being inundated with information and facts, we make it difficult to improve ourselves and achieve goals.

However, in the world of business and complex project management, concrete strategies for achieving results have been established. The question is, why not start managing our lives with these strategies?

This notion takes its cues from project management methodologies, advanced learning techniques, and the psychological theory of goals to help everyone manage their lives better.

Notion is the tool, obviously a key part is the initial reflection. Everyone must spend time with himself by imagining himself in the future and choosing various goals in various time horizons. Goals that will then be managed with the Notion.

The macro-sections included are:

  • Objectives section: there will be sections in which to set life goals, annual goals, and monthly goals. For monthly and annual goals, there will be databases with which to track progress. For the monthly one there will be checklists for each day with progress calculations while for the annual one there will be a section to mark every time we take an action that is a step toward that goal. On the main page there will be an overview of both databases for the last month. Taking time by setting goals helps to be focused. Core values can also help us with difficult decisions. Setting KPIs and keeping track spurs us to do better and better.
  • Finance section: There will be a section in which to record all expenses by category and another section in which to track investment accounts. In the expenditure section, the category, date, and quantity will be recorded in the database. In the investment section the details of the various movements (sales and purchases) will be recorded: everything will then be grouped into tabs for each account. On the main page there will be an overview of expenses for the last few months and tabs with the amount invested in each account. Recording everything helps us to understand how sustainable our lifestyle is and to understand the categories in which the major spending centers with opportunities to improve them. In addition, the investment section could help in tax reporting.
  • Personal improve section: This section consists of a database where the lesson learned from books, movies, videos, and experiences will be recorded. The source will be marked and the most important points should be marked so that it will be possible to go back for reviewing and fixing concepts. When reading a personal growth book you have to fix the key concepts in your memory. Key information is often only 10% of the content. Stopping by reflecting on the key points and noting them down helps us to pick them up and fix them in memory.
  • Yearly plan section: this section consists of a gant in which to mark the macrophases of the current year. The start date, end date, and status of the activity will be marked. On the main page there will be a snapshot of the gant.Having a view on the calendar with progress bars helps us to keep us from being last minute and be ready for deadlines.

This is a first version (V1.0) that will be improved over time. Updates will be included in the price. The price helps make the time invested by the developer to make this template sustainable. If new features and sections are needed, one can communicate with the developer and they can be reasonably implemented. It would be nice, should a need for a new feature arise, to reason together in a call to figure out how best to implement it and make the template as useful as possible for as many people as possible.

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Notion LifeOS Dashboard

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